
Information about cookies

Cookies may be placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone (hereinafter the "Device") to store or access information about your browsing activity on the Site, depending on the cookie preferences you have set. You can change these preferences at any time (see section on "Your cookie preferences" below).

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file which may be placed on your Device's hard drive via your Web browser when you use the Site, provided you agree or you do not object.

What are cookies used for?

Only the website server that placed the cookie can read or change its contents.
When you log in and use the Site, we, our sub-contractors and third-party advertisers may, depending on your preferences, place various cookies on your Device enabling us to recognise the browser of your Device during the time the cookie involved is activated. Cookies are used only for the purposes set out below and their use will depend on your preferences, which you can set and change at any time in your browser settings while you move around the Site.
Cookies placed on the Site are used to:

Cookies placed on the Site may be session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies only last for the duration of your visit and are deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your Device's hard drive after even after you have closed your browser until either you or your browser deletes them after a specified number of hours or days or at any time.

You cookie preferences :

There are several ways in which you can manage cookies. Any settings you select may change the way you browse the Internet and how you use or access some services that require the use of cookies.

You can configure your browser to allow cookies on your Device or to refuse them either systematically or depending on the website. You can also configure your browser to prompt you to accept or refuse cookies before they can be placed on your Device.

Your browser's help menu will show you how to set or change your cookie preferences:

Many of the cookies we use are "strictly necessary" cookies, which are required for the Site to work properly. If you block or delete cookies on your Device, some of the functionalities you need to move around certain parts of the Site will no longer work.
We assume no responsibility for any problems you may have in using the Site if you block or delete these strictly necessary cookies.